In accordance with nature and tradition...
Check out our wines, our vineyards and grape varieties, our working environment and lifestyle that's passed down from generation to generation for over 400 years...
Mi smo mlada tvrtka osnovana 2014. godine u želji da ponosno pokažemo znanje na području našeg djelovanja – uzgoja vinograda i proizvodnje vina
Graševina is the most represented wine variety in continental Croatia.
Traminac is a wine grape variety believed to have originated in Italy
Traminac is a wine grape variety believed to have originated in Italy
Traminac is a wine grape variety believed to have originated in Italy
Rosé, which is obtained from the Pinot Noir variety, is a dry rosé wine
We are a young company founded in 2014 with the desire to proudly demonstrate our knowledge in the field of our activities - vineyard cultivation and wine production, which is based on centuries of viticulture and winemaking of the Barbenik family, passed down from generation to generation. Namely, our Barbenik family is one of the oldest families that is continuously engaged in winemaking and viticulture in Ilok.
We want to share with our dear clients and colleagues – the care of each vine, the many days spent in the rows of vineyards, a song addressed to the grapes; wine cellar care.
Visit us and experience our wines!